Showing posts with label green investing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label green investing. Show all posts

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cleantech News; American Business Leaders Call for Revolution in Energy Technology Innovation

Cleantech News; American Business Leaders Call for Revolution in Energy Technology Innovation

Group urges scale-up in investment, systemic reforms to create jobs, address national security, solve environmental challenges

Call for action in meetings with White House and Congressional leaders

WASHINGTON, June 10 ( renewable energy/green newswire ) -- A group of America's top business executives today released a plan to make America a global leader in energy technology innovation, and in meetings at the White House and with Congressional leaders called for urgent action to begin the national transition to clean, affordable, and secure supplies of energy.

The American Energy Innovation Council (AEIC) -- whose members include Bill Gates, chairman and former chief executive of Microsoft; Norm Augustine, former chairman of Lockheed Martin; Ursula Burns, chairman and chief executive of Xerox; John Doerr, partner at Kleiner Perkins; Chad Holliday, chairman of Bank of America and former CEO of DuPont; Jeff Immelt, chief executive of GE; and Tim Solso, chairman and chief executive of Cummins -- said in its report, "A Business Plan for America's Energy Future," that reforming and strengthening U.S. investment in energy innovation is the most critical element to securing America's future.

The full report and supporting documents and other materials can be found at

"The world faces many challenges, but none more important than taking immediate and decisive action to develop new, inexpensive clean-energy sources that avoid the negative effects of climate change," Gates said in releasing the report today. "Low-cost clean energy is the single most important way to lift poor countries out of poverty and create more stable societies. The whole world would benefit from this, and the United States can and should lead the way. The time for action is now."

"We must reinvent our energy future," said Chad Holliday, who serves as AEIC chairman. "A giant leap in energy technology investments and reform of our current system can make America a global leader in what will be the largest new market of the 21st Century. We have seen huge dividends from similar American investments before -- in information technology, defense technology, and medical technology. But up until now, energy investments have gotten short shrift. That has to change if we are to control our energy future. This has to be at the top of America's agenda."

The American Energy Innovation Council plan contains five recommendations:

1: Create an independent National Energy Strategy Board

The United States does not have a coherent national energy strategy. Without such a strategy, there is no way to assess the effectiveness of existing energy policies, nor is there a logical framework for the development of new energy technologies. The result of this neglect is reflected in our nation's history -- with oil-driven recessions, environmental degradation, trade deficits, national security problems, and increasing CO2 emissions.

In order to seriously address our energy future, the AEIC recommends the creation of a Congressionally mandated Energy Strategy Board charged with (1) developing and monitoring a National Energy Plan for Congress and the executive branch, and (2) oversight of a New Energy Challenge Program (see recommendation #5).

"Instead of a series of fractured challenges and solutions, we should manage the future of our energy system as an integrated whole, and build a pipeline of technologies that will solve the serious problems our world is facing," said Ursula Burns, chief executive of Xerox. "These recommendations are the beginning of such a solution. I urge Congress and the President to act on them."

2: Increase annual investments in clean energy RD&D by $11 billion, to $16 billion per year

The AEIC members recommend that sizable, sustained increases in spending on research, development and deployment (RD&D) of clean energy technologies are necessary to maintain our competitive edge and keep our economy strong. Government investments of $16 billion per year – an increase of $11 billion over current annual investments of about $5 billion – is the minimum level required. For comparison, the U.S. government currently spends approximately $30 billion each year on health research and more than $80 billion on defense research and development. The public investment called for by AEIC would bring U.S. energy investment in line with those of our trading partners and competitors.

John Doerr, partner at Kleiner Perkins, said, "When our company shifted our attention to clean energy, we found the innovation cupboard was close to bare. America has simply neglected to support serious energy innovation. My partners and I found the best fuel cells, the best energy storage, and the best wind technologies were all born outside of the United States. Other countries are investing huge amounts in these fields. Without innovation, we cannot build great energy companies. We need to restock the cupboard, or be left behind."

Recommendation 3: Create Centers of Excellence in Energy Innovation

In the healthcare, information technology, and defense fields, critical technologies have achieved large-scale market success through multi-disciplinary collaboration among institutions in the private and public sectors. Technology innovation requires expensive equipment, well-trained scientists, multi-year time horizons, and flexibility in allocating funds. This can be done most efficiently and effectively if the institutions engaged in innovation are located in close proximity to each other, share operational objectives, and are accountable to each other for results.

The AEIC recommends the creation of centers of excellence in energy innovation, structured along the lines described above. These centers can drive down the cost of technologies and accelerate their deployment. To function effectively and deliver real results, each of these centers will require annual funding in the range of $150 million to $250 million as a part of the $16 billion total.

Tim Solso, CEO of Cummins said, "Creating regional centers of excellence is central to incubating innovation across different fields and institutions. These can be our new hubs of invention. Our company has found that we win in the market by using our technical innovation to meet public standards while also developing products that meet the needs of our customers. The entire American economy can benefit from similar investments in innovation to help address our energy challenges."

Recommendation 4: Fund ARPA-E at $1 billion per year

The creation of ARPA-E has been a significant development for energy innovation. ARPA-E is challenging innovators to come up with truly novel ideas and "game changers." The program has high potential for long-term success, but only if it is given the autonomy, budget, clear signals of support, and ability to implement needed projects. It will need long-horizon funds on a scale commensurate with its goals, and a life extension beyond the current federal stimulus. AEIC recommend that a $1 billion annual commitment would be a wise investment as a part of the $16 billion total.

"Ultimately, energy innovation is a matter of national security, and must be treated that way by Congress and the Administration," said Norm Augustine, former chairman of Lockheed Martin and former Undersecretary of the Army. "This is true because disruptions in the supply of energy and environmental change are among the most likely causes of future military conflicts. DARPA was a huge success in creating high payoff returns on investments in military technologies. ARPA-E -- its energy equivalent -- can have a similar transformative impact on energy technology, but it must receive adequate funding."

Recommendation 5: Establish a New Energy Challenge Program for large-scale demonstration projects

America's energy innovation system lacks a mechanism to turn large-scale ideas or prototypes into commercial-scale facilities. AEIC recommends the creation of a program to fund, build, and accelerate the commercialization of advanced energy technologies.

This program should be structured as a joint venture between the federal government and the energy industry, and would operate as an independent corporation outside of the federal government. It would focus on the transition from pre-commercial, large-scale energy systems to integrated, full-size system tests. The program should be co-funded by the public and private sectors at an initial level of $20 billion over 10 years, with a single federal appropriation.

The Need for Complementary Policies

The AEIC plan also notes "the need for complementary energy policies to drive market adoption of new technologies. A vigorous demand signal will increase the intensity of research, add large private-sector commitments, reduce barriers between the lab and market, and ensure technologies perform better and cost less over time. The United States will not succeed in this field without policies to ensure there are vibrant markets for clean energy technologies. Those policies may include some combination of a price or a cap on CO2, a clean energy or renewable energy portfolio requirement, or technology performance standards. The effect of such policies should be to create a large, sustained market for new energy technology. Our nation cannot succeed without it."

The report states that increased investment for energy innovation is such a high national priority that it should be undertaken even in the midst of tight federal budgets. The group also notes that options for generating new revenue for energy innovation investment from the energy sector include reductions in subsidies for fossil fuels, license fees for offshore oil and natural gas production, creating an oil import fee, increasing the gas tax or putting a price on carbon emissions. The report does not specifically advocate any of these approaches.

"The U.S. is falling behind because we don't have the markets or the will - our policies are shortsighted and our markets aren't set up to reward energy innovation. We have the power to transform our energy future and address many of our economic, energy security and climate challenges with the right policy clarity and robust market demand. You have to do both to drive innovation and compete," said Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE.

"I am convinced that the right technologies and the right policies we can solve our energy and climate challenges," said Bill Gates. "But we need a much more serious commitment to do so."

AEIC Chair Chad Holliday said, "During my time at DuPont, when science linked CFC use and ozone depletion, we knew the world had to change the model. DuPont used this challenge to invent entire new businesses. The United States can do the same to meet our energy and climate challenges. But we must begin investing at a much larger scale now."

American Energy Innovation Council

SOURCE The American Energy Innovation Council

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News and Stories Published at the Clean Energy Stocks Blog for Green Investors: Research Renewable Energy and water stocks as an Investor Ideas member and gain access to global green stock directories. Our Goal; One Million More Investors Investing in Green Technology and Water Technology in 2010. Join us today: Become a member and research stocks and invest in cleantech : learn more about green investing :

Sunday, January 17, 2010

California Governor Launches Cobalt Technologies Low Carbon Fuel Plant Cobalt's Commercial Process for Producing Clean Biofuel and Chemicals Praised f

California Governor Launches Cobalt Technologies Low Carbon Fuel Plant Cobalt's Commercial Process for Producing Clean Biofuel and Chemicals Praised for Job Creation, Innovation

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., -- Cobalt Technologies, the leader in commercializing biobutanol as a renewable fuel and chemical, today formally launched its first facility. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Silicon Valley cleantech leaders were on hand, demonstrating the importance of clean technology to the state's future economic vitality.

"It is great companies like Cobalt that will help California meet our greenhouse gas reduction targets under AB 32 and our Low Carbon Fuel Standard," said Governor Schwarzenegger. "Cobalt shows us that what is good for the environment can also be good for the economy. In fact, within the next few years, Cobalt has plans to build an even larger plant that will create 1,300 permanent jobs. I want that plant and those jobs right here in California. That's why, in my State of the State address, I announced a Jobs Initiative that we estimate could create 100,000 jobs with one piece of this proposal exempting the purchase of green-tech manufacturing equipment from the sales tax. This proposal will help California attract and retain green businesses and create the jobs of the future. I want every CEO, entrepreneur and innovator to know that if you're investing in a cleaner future, California will invest in you."
Cobalt biobutanol is an ideal fuel for California and the world. Cobalt uses non-food feedstock, such as forest waste and mill residues, and its technology reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 85 percent compared to gasoline. A 12 percent blend of Cobalt biobutanol with gasoline, already permissible under US EPA guidelines, complies with the requirements of California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard.

Cobalt's form of biobutanol (n-butanol) is very versatile. It can be used as a standalone fuel; blended with gasoline, diesel and ethanol; converted into jet fuel or plastics, or sold as is for use in paints and coatings. Butanol packs more energy than ethanol and is less polluting. In addition, it is a drop-in fuel, and is fully compatible with today's automobile engines and pipeline infrastructure.
"Cobalt is leading the race to bring economic next generation biofuels to market," said Rick Wilson, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of Cobalt Biofuels. "Based on the technology breakthroughs we have achieved, and the successful operation of our plant, we are on track to build a commercial facility within two years, and we are currently building a network of strategic partners in the fuels, chemicals, forest products, and construction industry to deploy our technology at the next scale. The Governor's leadership in clean technology policy, like the proposed sales tax exemption for green manufacturing equipment will help accelerate commercialization and make California an attractive place to site a plant."
One commercial-scale Cobalt plant employs 1,300 permanent green collar jobs at the plant and surrounding area, and adds more than $250 million annually to the state's GDP, according to a market study commissioned by Cobalt.
Cobalt is backed by leading investors in the cleantech sector, including Pinnacle Ventures, Vantage Point Venture Partners, Burrill and Company, Malaysian Life Sciences Capital Fund, Life Science Partners (LSP), @Ventures, and Harris & Harris.
About Cobalt Technologies
Cobalt Technologies replaces petroleum and petrochemicals with a highly versatile, profitable and renewable alternative – biobutanol. The company's technology and engineering platform offers a continuous process to efficiently convert diverse non-food feedstocks – beginning with waste wood – into biobutanol, an ideal building block for a wide range of bio-based products, including fuels, chemicals and plastics. With the best production rates and margins in the market for cellulosic butanol, Cobalt provides a commercial solution with greater capital efficiency and improved production facility economics. Cobalt is based in Mountain View, CA.
For further information, please visit
SOURCE Cobalt Technologies
RELATED LINKShttp://www.cobaltbiofuels.com______________________________________

News & Stories Published at Clean Energy Stocks Blog.
Green Investors:
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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Investing In a Better World; Renewable Energy, Cleantech and Water Industry and Investing Affiliate Program

Investing In a Better World; Renewable Energy, Cleantech and Water Industry and Investing Affiliate Program

Affiliate websites in the sector can now feature stock directories in cleantech

POINT ROBERTS, Wash., Delta B.C., January 18 2009 -, and its global investor and industry Greentech portals announce the launch of a new affiliate program for renewable energy, green and water industry and investing websites.
Affiliate websites in the sector can now feature memberships to access investing info and stock directories in cleantech.

Investor Ideas was one of the first investor websites covering renewable energy and water investing and is known as a global destination for research tools and resources. Affiliates can now offer the research directories as an added tool to their site visitors and members, as well as create a new online revenue stream.

Investor Ideas memberships includes access to restricted content at the Water Stocks Directory, Renewable Energy Stocks Directory, the Biotech Stocks Directory, Defense Stocks Directory and the Insiders Corner by Michael Brush. New content and features are added regularly and each stock directory is updated monthly with additions and changes.

Affiliate Program is currently a vendor on Paydotcom.comOur affiliate link:

Affiliates can sell the Investor Ideas Memberships at $99, with commissions of $9.90 - Sign up today and start earning commissions
Investor Ideas Membership $99.00 Accepting: PayPal Status: ActiveBecome an Member today to be one step ahead on leading sectors , global trends and insider trading ideas. Just $99 a year gets you access to restricted content - The Insiders Corner , the Renewable Energy Stocks Directory, Water Stocks Directory, Biotech Stocks Directory and recently added Defense Stocks Directory Membership
With markets and investor sentiment changing daily- it is more important than ever to stay on top of key trends! Gain Exclusive Insight on Leading Sectors, Global Trends, and Insider Trading Ideas, News, Articles and Investor Ideas Members only Restricted Stock Directories.Learn more: -
"One of the first online investor resources providing in-depth information on renewable energy, greentech and water sectors." is a leading global investor and industry research resource portal specialized in sector investing covering over thirty industry sectors and global markets including China, India, Middle East and Australia.
About Our Green Investor Portals:® is one of several green investor portals within and provides investors with stock news, exclusive articles and financial columnists, audio interviews, investor conferences, Blogs, and a directory of stocks within the renewable energy sector.
Disclaimer: Our sites do not make recommendations. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. We attempt to research thoroughly, but we offer no guarantees as to the accuracy of information presented. All Information relating to featured companies is sourced from public documents and/ or the company and is not the opinion of our web sites. This site is currently compensated by featured companies, news submissions and online advertising.
For Additional Information:
Dawn Van Zant: 800-665-0411 - or
Source –

News & Stories Published at Clean Energy Stocks Blog
Research Renewable Energy and Cleantech stocks as an Investor Ideas member and gain access to the stock directories. Learn More:

Friday, September 05, 2008

Coming Soon: Ten Green Companies the Size of Exxon Mobil

Coming Soon: Ten Green Companies the Size of Exxon Mobil Green Investor Audio Series; Interview with Nancy Floyd, Founder and Managing Director of Nth Power

POINT ROBERTS, Wash., Delta B.C., September 5, 2008 -, one of the first online investor resources providing in-depth information on renewable energy, greentech and water, provides interested investors a recent audio interview with Nancy Floyd, Founder and Managing Director of Nth Power, a venture capital firm based in San Francisco. Nth Power was one of the first venture firms specializing in the cleantech sector. Green Investor Audio Series

Coming Soon: Ten Green Companies the Size of Exxon Mobil

“Nancy Floyd, of the venture capital fund Nth Power, sees big things ahead for green energy investors”

Well-known financial columnist Michael Brush continues his renewable energy audio series for with a recent interview with Nancy Floyd, Founder and Managing Director of Nth Power. Ms. Floyd has led Nth Power’s investments in Silicon Energy (NASDAQ: ITRI), Northern Power (NASDAQ: DESC), Smartsynch, Serveron, SpectraSensors and Propel Biofuels.

To hear the full Audio file: click here:

About Nth Power
Nth Power is a venture capital firm based in San Francisco and is the first and most experienced venture capital firm funding promising startup companies in the growing sector of energy technology, materials and other related businesses. With $420 million under management in four funds and an investment record that begins in 1997, Nth Power is widely known and well regarded as the driving force behind many of the most successful energy technology companies.

Michael Brush writes a weekly market column for MSN Money. Mr. Brush has also covered business and investing for the New York Times, Money magazine and the Economist Group.
Michael also writes the Insiders Corner Exclusively for

About Our Green Investor Portals: is one of several green investor portals within and provides investors with stock news, exclusive articles and financial columnists, audio interviews, investor conferences and a directory of stocks within the renewable energy sector.
Renewable Energy and GreenTech Business and Stock News RSS Feed:

The Global Green Marketplace at – a meeting place for investors and business in cleantech:

Green Investor Sponsors: Carbon Capture and Green Portfolio Stock: (OTCBB:MVTG),Geothermal Stock:(OTCBB:ESIV),Green Automotive Stock: (OTCBB:ZAAP),Green Automotive Stock:(OTCBB:ROTB),Solar Stock:(OTCBB:XSNX)
Solar Stock :( OTCBB: CSKH), Renewable Sugarcane Fuels (OTCPK: IBOT) Featured Green Companies are showcased on: For disclaimer and disclosure visit:

"One of the first online investor resources providing in-depth information on renewable energy, greentech and water sectors." is a leading global investor and industry research resource portal specialized in sector investing covering over thirty industry sectors and global markets including China, India, Middle East and Australia.

Disclaimer: Our sites do not make recommendations. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. We attempt to research thoroughly, but we offer no guarantees as to the accuracy of information presented. All Information relating to featured companies is sourced from public documents and/ or the company and is not the opinion of our web sites. This site is currently compensated by featured companies, news submissions and online advertising.

For Additional Information:

Dawn Van Zant: 800-665-0411 -

Source –

Friday, March 14, 2008 Greentech Investor Conference Update; Speakers Will Provide In- Depth Insight into Sector as Gas Prices Reach New Highs Greentech Investor Conference Update; Speakers Will Provide In- Depth Insight into Sector as Gas Prices Reach New Highs

Conference Goes Live Online March 20th; Investors, Experts and Public Companies in Green Sector Participate and Listen From Home or Office Desktop

POINT ROBERTS, WA and DELTA, BC---March 14, 2008 -- and, global green investor portals, update the list of presenters for the Global Greentech Online Investor Conference, March 20, 2008. The free audio conference will be uploaded and accessible online, to registered users starting at 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

Recent public company additions include Medis Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ:MDTL) and Telkonet, Inc. (Telkonet SmartEnergy) (AMEX: TKO).

Recently added industry experts include Estelle Lloyd, Founder and COO of Venture Business Research and Mark Henwood, Founder of Camino Energy. Camino Energy provides comprehensive global tracking and accurate segmentation of publicly traded sustainable energy businesses.

The online conference themed: "Insight into Global Green Investing Trends and Opportunities in Solar, Wind, Biofuel, Green Transportation, and Water," features a cross section of well-respected industry leaders and participants including: Christina Page, Yahoo!’s Director of Climate and Energy Strategy, Mary Nichols , appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger in July 2007 to lead California in its efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, Akeena Solar, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AKNS ) and Robert Wilder, WilderHill Clean Energy Index .

For a list of speakers and presenters and conference info:
How our conferences work:

Recent Public Company Additions:
Medis Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ:MDTL)
Medis Technologies’ primary focus is on its fuel cell technology. Its business strategy is to sell its products to end users through OEM partnerships, retail outlets, and service providers and to the military and other markets. Medis’ indirect majority-owned subsidiary, Cell Kinetics Ltd., is engaged in the development and commercialization of the CKChip, a unique cell carrier platform intended for simultaneous fluoroscopic monitoring and analysis of thousands of individual living cells over time.

Telkonet SmartEnergy and Telkonet, Inc. (AMEX: TKO)
Telkonet SmartEnergy (TSE) is an intelligent, occupancy-driven in-room energy management system, providing an economic, green approach to controlling HVAC usage and improving energy efficiency. It incorporates a patented technology – Recovery Time™ (RT) that performs constant real-time calculations to adjust and maintain a room’s temperature based on occupancy. More info:

Additional public companies include Akeena Solar, Inc. Clear Skies Solar, Inc., XsunX, Inc., and ZAP (OTC BB: ZAAP.OB).

About Our Green Investor Portals and green investor content covers renewable energy, water, environment and fuel cells, featuring news, articles, financial columnists, audio interviews and Podcasts, investor conferences, industry links and resources , a comprehensive global directory of publicly traded stocks, as well as featured showcase companies.

Disclaimer: Our sites do not make recommendations. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. All Information relating to featured companies is sourced from public documents and/ or the company and is not the opinion of our web sites. This site is currently compensated by featured companies, news submissions and online advertising. Disclosure: Presenting public companies, other than featured companies which compensate on a monthly basis, pay a one time fee of $1000 to present. For disclosure and disclaimer:

Dawn Van Zant

Source:;; Akeena Solar, Inc., Telkonet, Inc, Medis Technologies Ltd., ZAP

Sunday, February 18, 2007

UBS Report: "Climate Change: Beyond Whether''

At the end of January, UBS Wealth Management Research issued the research report, "UBS Research Focus – Climate Change: Beyond Whether," which looks at research on climate change to offer a detailed, sector-by-sector breakdown identifying key investment opportunities and risks for the individual investor.

According to the January 31 release- “Whether or not you agree with the view that human activity is influencing the climate system is largely irrelevant to the investment thesis. What is important is that numerous policies to combat the threat of global warming are converging to influence people’s behavior, alter the risk profile of various businesses, and improve the investment outlook for others,” said Klaus Wellershoff, global head of UBS Wealth Management Research, and Kurt Reiman, head of thematic research for UBS Wealth Management Research.
According to the report’s findings, investors who seek to incorporate climate change risks and opportunities into their portfolios have options that span a wide range of asset classes, including:
Equity-related strategies include underweighting sectors, industries and companies that are highly carbon-intensive and have little potential to adapt to new technologies;
Investment in companies exposed to renewable and low-carbon energy production and energy efficiency;
Investment in theme funds focusing specifically on climate-change mitigation;
Investment in equity baskets, certificates and indices on specific investment areas such as white biotech, photovoltaics, and biofuels;
Investment in venture capital firms and private equity funds focused on environmental technology;
Socially responsible investment (SRI) funds and indices that follow one of three approaches: one that includes only the best companies, one that excludes laggards in the field, and one that focuses on the highest improvement potential;
Fixed income strategies that reduce exposure to companies that face heightened credit risk because of future policy measures and un-hedged exposure to severe weather events, such as hurricanes and floods;
Investment in renewable bonds issued by governments and project development companies to finance specific clean energy projects.

Monday, February 05, 2007 Announces New ‘Green’ Financial Column “The New Power Fund” by Samuel F. Jones

Presenter for Upcoming Online Greentech Investor Conference “Investing in the Environment” Creates Monthly Renewable Energy Investing Column, and its global investor and industry Greentech portals, announce the addition of a new monthly ‘green’ financial column, “The New Power Fund”, focusing on renewable energy, by Samuel F. Jones: President, All Season Financial Advisors, Inc. The new content builds upon the highly visited portal articles, audio interviews, stock news, stock directories, online investor conferences, Blogs, RSS feeds, investor tools and links.

Follow the New Green Column at: The New Power Fund:

Additionally, Samuel F. Jones will be one of the featured speakers at the upcoming conference:” Investing in the Environment: Global Warming, Global Warning – Investing Today for Tomorrow’s Future", in an online format to reduce the Carbon Footprint and the Carbon Dioxide created by travel.

The online conference will include presentations (audio with power point slides or flash) from renewable, environmental, water, clean energy and technology experts providing in-depth perspectives on what is happening in the Greentech sector from venture capital, funds, Indices and participating publicly traded companies.

To Find Out More About the Upcoming Greentech Online Investor and Industry Conference Visit:

The online conference is free to investors and online visitors, with login registration.

Samuel F. Jones: President, All Season Financial Advisors, Inc.,
Registered Investment Advisor

As president of All Season Financial Advisors, he is responsible for the management of over $120 Million in client assets and for overseeing operations, marketing, and portfolio design. Sam is also the senior portfolio manager for the Integrity All Season mutual fund. In 2005, the firm opened its first renewable energy investment portfolio for private clients called "New Power". The New Power strategy has posted an average return of 14.5% net of all fees since inception with a fraction of the risk inherent to this speculative sector. More info: