Wednesday, November 29, 2006

High end green cars for those who don't want to compromise luxury and style

For those who want to go green but don't want to loose out on driving a performance car there are a few options coming out if you can afford the price tag
The Tesla 100% electric sports car - can do 0-60 in 4 seconds , gets 135 miles per gallon - has a range of 250 per miles and looks (expletive) !!! Great. There is a long waiting list as well to content with currently if you’re aching for this car

The price tag - starting at a base price of $92,000 it s a bit pricey for the average consumer
For those who want to go green at a price tag you can afford - there is the smart car or Zap- at

Another luxury dealer- BMW is talking a lot about its new series 7 hydrogen car coming in 2007 . The limited number of hydrgen fuel stations limits the short term market for this car - so it will also be able to run on gas

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