Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Earth Day Solar Innovation Series with J. Peter Lynch; Announcing Today- Solar Energy is FREE !!!!!!!!! Earth Day Solar Innovation Series with J. Peter Lynch; Announcing Today- Solar Energy is FREE !!!!!!!!!

Point Roberts, South Salem, New York- April 22, 2009- and its leading green investor portal, announce the second edition of the new solar innovation series within “Renewable and Solar Energy Perspectives” with J. Peter Lynch. Just in time for Earth Day, Mr. Lynch tells solar investors and consumers what they want to hear about solar innovation.

Announcing Today: Solar Energy is FREE !!!!!!!!!
J. Peter Lynch
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The second in our “Solar Innovation Series” is a creative financial innovation that could sweep the nation and literally make SOLAR ENERGY for all practical purposes FREE to the average homeowner. It does NOT need a string of technical breakthroughs or new scientific discoveries all it needed is a little bit of financial innovation – simple as that.
If making money by investing in energy efficiency improvements and solar systems for our homes is so obviously needed and is also a good investment. Why do so few of us move forward and do it?
Well, that answer is very simple. It cost too much since ALL the payment is UP FRONT. Think about it, if we all had to buy our homes and cars with CASH up front how many of us would do it? Buying power from your local electric utility is a simple, pay-as-you-go service. Solar, on the other hand, requires tens of thousands of dollars up front and a long-term commitment to see a return on investment.
How about making SOLAR, pay-as-you-go-too? What if you could get some benefits right away and also not have to pay for 20+ years of power up front? Well, the City of Berkeley, California is now pioneering what many experts believe may be just such a solution: Berkeley FIRST. Berkeley launched the program in November 2008. The initial pool of funding was made available to property owners and sold out in less than ten minutes.

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