The report highlights the fact that energy consumption will continue to increase (28% in electricity consumption from 2012 to 2040 according to the Energy Information Administration), and there are "significant opportunity for alternative sources of electricity generation" such as those manufactured by Powerdyne International, Inc.
The report states:
As a manufacturer of portable, scalable electricity generators powered by natural gas (as well as other fuels), PWDY is targeting a market in which large scale economic trends are creating significant opportunity for alternative sources of electricity generation to be consumed by a wide range of potential municipal, industrial and commercial clients
About Powerdyne International, Inc.:
Powerdyne International, Inc. is a manufacturing company that builds and leases electrical generation equipment including its own portable electrical power
PDIGensets are designed to be installed at virtually any location. The genset is leased and maintained by PDI. Although the company's target customer will typically use its PDIGenset to produce its own primary electrical power, it can be used for emergency back-up power generation and is useful in any situation where reliable power is needed.
PDI is founded on the ability to produce primary electrical power using proprietary technology to power electrical generation equipment which makes electricity cheaper than existing means of producing primary electric power. PDI expects that the difference between its cost of generating electricity over its customer's current cost will result in substantial savings to the customer.
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This release may contain "forward-looking statements" that are within the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements reflect the Company's current expectations about its future plans and performance, including statements concerning the impact of marketing strategies, new product introductions and innovation, deliveries of product, sales, earnings and margins. These forward-looking statements rely on a number of assumptions and estimates which could be inaccurate and which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could vary materially from those anticipated or expressed in any forward-looking statement made by the Company. Please refer to the Company's most recent Form 10-K and subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange
Powerdyne International, Inc.
More from the Report:
Powerdyne International, Inc. – January 22, 2014
PWDY Products Target Opportunity Created by a Convergence of Fundamental U.S. Economic Market
Select Stock
Recent Stock Price $0.0126
Shares Outstanding: 195.42 million
Float 28.77 million
Recent Market Cap: $2.46 million
52 Week Range: $.007 - $0.20
Exchange: OTCBB
Ticker: PWDY
Data sourced from Yahoo! Finance;; Company filings
Powerdyne International, Inc is a development stage manufacturing company that builds and leases electrical generation equipment including its own portable electrical power generation equipment called PDIGenset (which is patent trademark pending). PDIGensets are designed to be installed at virtually any location. The genset is leased and maintained by PDI. Although the company's target customer will typically use its PDIGenset to produce its own primary electrical power, the genset is designed to be useful in any situation where reliable power is needed. PDI is founded with the objective to produce primary electrical power using proprietary technology to power electrical generation equipment which makes electricity cheaper than existing means of producing primary electric power. PDI expects that the difference between its cost of generating electricity over its customer's current cost will result in substantial savings to the customer.
PWDY's initial product is the PDIGenset (patent pending) which is a self-contained generator that is powered by a modified radial air cooled engine to drive a minimum of a 1-megawatt generator. The entire unit, which runs on natural gas or propane, is compact, lightweight and clean burning. As a result, the unit will produce extremely low emissions and is designed to be extremely energy-efficient. PWDY has recently completed a fully operational factory Series 2 prototype, which has been tested and is ready as a demonstration unit. This unit is available for any prospective customers to view in full operational capacity. In addition, the Series 2 prototype is ready to be manufactured for customers upon placement of customer orders.
PWDY plans to manufacture, install, maintain and lease its own portable electrical power equipment. The Company plans to manufacture portable electrical power equipment intended to be installed at client locations. The Company will own, maintain and lease the equipment to the customer who will use it to produce its own supplemental electrical power. The Company's products are intended to be portable, easy-to-use units that can be conveniently redeployed in various locations around the world. The Company's units can also be assembled and combined to produce power centers providing up to 50 megawatts of power. The Company's headquarters are located in Warwick, Rhode Island and operates a manufacturing facility in Massachusetts. The Company will market its products in locations where inexpensive electrical power is needed and clean energy powered electrical equipment is needed and/or required.
As forecast in the U.S. Energy Information Administration's (EIA) recently released Annual Energy Outlooki, factors such as economic structural changes, higher electricity prices, mandated environmentally friendly standards, and improved efficiencies are expected to slow the rate of growth in electricity consumption. However, from 2012 to 2040, the EIA still expects an increase of 28% in electricity use which is forecast to grow from 1.8% of GDP currently to 2.4% of GDP in 2040.
While it seems reasonable to expect that electricity demand will create market opportunity for PWDY products, it's also important to consider what may happen to price and demand for the fuels that power those products. The following conclusions from the EIA report address the outlook for natural gas in particular:
- "Growing domestic production of natural gas and oil continues to reshape the U.S. energy economy...
- With continued growth in shale gas production, natural gas becomes the largest source of U.S. electric power generation, surpassing coal by 2035, and boosting production and natural gas consumption in manufacturing.
- Strong growth in domestic natural gas production supports increased exports of both pipeline and liquefied natural gas. With strong growth in domestic oil and gas production, U.S. dependence on imported fuels falls sharply..."
With both increasing electricity demand and stable fuel prices as positive macro trends for PWDY products, the Company also is targeting a market in which changing fundamentals create opportunity as well. As characterized by David Crane, CEO of NRG Energy (NYSE: NRG), which generates 47,000 megawatts from solar, wind, fossil and nuclear sources - enough to support almost 40 million homes, changes in power production and consumption driven by distributed generation in particular represent "a mortal threat to the existing utility system."
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Disclosure: Investorideas has been compensated by PWDY two thousand for news publication and content publishing for one month.
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