Monday, May 16, 2011

Solar Stocks and Market Commentary with J Peter Lynch

Point Roberts, South Salem, New York – May 16, 2011, a leader in cleantech stock research, releases a new solar stocks review from contributor, J. Peter Lynch for May 16th.
Solar Stocks Commentary with J Peter Lynch -

Read other articles, Exclusively for and

See Peter's technical solar stocks review:

Solar Stocks Review - Monday 3-21-2011
J Peter Lynch
At this time the general market continues to stay in a higher risk zone. This does not mean that you cannot make money but that most of the money has usually been made at this stage. However, it is not uncommon for the market to stay in a higher risk zone for many months.
As a result, an investor has to be more cautious and take some more defensive actions. For example, sell stocks in your portfolio that are showing weakening relative strength to the market, tighten up your stop loss sell points and if you are more sophisticated, buy protective puts to hedge yourself.
However, the market has been climbing a "wall of worry" for a long time now, volatility has dramatically increased and the market has moved into its traditionally unfavorable season - May thru September approximately - additional reasons for caution.
Remember the two key rules from the legendary investor Warren Buffet on how to make money in the stock market:
  1. Never lose money*
  2. Never forget rule #1
*What Buffet really means by "never lose money" is really to cut your losses short (minimize your losses) and let your winners run as long as they are technically strong (maximize your return).
Individual Stock Comments and Comments on our Solar Portfolio
Most of the stock s in the solar sector have fallen further behind the general market and have continued to weaken. Below are the latest comments on the 3 stocks remaining in our Solar Portfolio and the number of shares of each stock still held in the portfolio.
To date the portfolio is up approximately double the major industry averages 15% vs 7.25%.
JKS (500 shares) - Stock has recently showed strength and has given a new short term buy signal at $28.50. Falling below $25.50 would generate at sell signal for the remaining ½ of the position.
SOLR (1,000 shares) - Consistently the strongest solar stock and has given a short term buy signal at $11.50, it is the only stock in the portfolio that we have not sold any of our initial position of 1,000 shares.
TSL (500 shares) - weakest of the group, a move to $25.50 generated a sell of ½ of our position. A further move down to $25.00 would generate a sell signal on the balance of this position.
Looking at the table below you will see that both JKS and SOLR are the only major stocks that are significantly above both their 50 Day and 200 day moving averages**. With the exception of Sunpower Corp. (SPWRA) which received a recent offer for control of the company by the French oil company TOTAL.
**Remember that the 50 day MA is a short term indicator of technical strength and the 200 day MA is a long term indicator of strength. The optimal position for a stock to be in is ABOVE both these moving averages.
US Photovoltaic Related Companies as of the close on 5-13-2011
SymbolNameRecent Price50 Day MA200 Day MA
ASTIAscent Solar Technologies, Inc.1.562.1073.059
CSIQCanadian Solar Inc.9.6810.80213.017
CSUNChina Sunergy Company Ltd.3.33.8734.276
DSTIDayStar Technologies Inc.0.790.891.523
EMKREMCORE Corporation2.482.4281.584
ENEREnergy Conversion Devices1.572.23.988
ESLREvergreen Solar, Inc.1.081.5353.322
FSLRFirst Solar, Inc.125.65143.077140.584
HSOLHanwa Solar5.917.0539.175
JASOJA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd6.166.5797.237
JKSJinkoSolar Holding Co.28.525.37726.161
LDKLDK Solar Company Ltd.9.611.32410.77
RSOLReal Goods Solar, Inc.2.532.5092.731
SOLReneSola, Ltd.8.259.1269.973
SOLRGT Solar International Inc11.3610.4419.288
SPIRSpire Corporation4.284.3664.848
SPWRASunpower Corporation21.2317.29514.483
STPSuntech Power Holdings8.528.9268.827
TSLTrina Solar Limited25.3527.53426.37
WESTAkeena Solar, Inc.1.521.9292.187
WFRMEMC Electronic Materials, Inc.11.0112.05411.912
YGEYingli Green Energy10.6611.79111.523
Background Notes
Keep in mind that there are two basic types of equity (stock) analysis. Below is a brief description of each and its primary purpose:
Fundamental Analysis - this is the analysis of the fundamental financial condition of the company to identify which stocks are stocks you may want to buy when the timing is right. This form of analysis will give you NO indication of the best time to buy the stock.
Technical Analysis - this form of analysis will tell you "when" to buy a stock. It will do this by showing you (in chart format) the basic interaction of supply and demand and when the two change and shift which will indicate a time to buy or a time to sell.
Mr. Lynch has worked, for 34 years as a Wall Street security analyst, an independent security analyst an investment banker and private investor in small emerging technology companies. He has been actively involved in following developments in the renewable energy sector since 1977 and is regarded as an expert in this field. He was the contributing editor for 17 years to the Photovoltaic Insider Report, the leading publication in PV that was directed at industrial subscribers, such as major energy companies, utilities and governments around the world. He is currently a private investor and advisor to a number of companies. He can be reached via e-mail at: Please visit his website for the promotion of solar energy -
Subscribe to the Peter Lynch solar RSS feed;
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the research published are those of the individual companies and writers and not necessarily those of® or any of the industry sector portals. At the time of publication, writers may hold positions in the stocks or companies mentioned.
Research other solar with the renewable energy stocks directory ; a global stock directory featuring over 1100 green stocks. Investors also have the option to access the directory as part of the Investor Ideas Membership premium content that currently features an additional 10 stock directories, including the water stocks directory and all cleantech stock directories.
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About Green Investor content: was on the of the first investor sites covering investing in water and renewable energy stocks and has become a global go-to destination for investors researching the cleantech sector, with stock directories, company news, commentary from experts, research reports and industry resources and links. Investors can follow solar stocks commentary on our site with solar expert, J. Peter Lynch.
Disclaimer/ Disclosure: Our sites do not make recommendations. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. We attempt to research thoroughly, but we offer no guarantees as to the accuracy of information presented. All Information relating to featured companies is sourced from public documents and/ or the company and is not the opinion of our web sites. This site is currently compensated by featured companies, news submissions and online advertising. Learn more: ,
For more information contact Investor Ideas:
Dawn Van Zant 800.665.0411, Email: or Cali at

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Renewable Energy News; Potential of Renewable Energy Outlined in Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Potential of Renewable Energy Outlined in Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Experts Underline Significant Future Role in Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Powering Sustainable Development

Over 160 Scenarios on the Potential of six Renewable Energy Technologies Reviewed by Global Team of Technological Experts and Scientists

11th Session of Working Group III
Abu Dhabi - May 13, 2011 ( Newswire) - Close to 80 percent of the world's energy supply could be met by renewables by mid-century if backed by the right enabling public policies a new report shows.

The findings, from over 120 researchers working with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), also indicate that the rising penetration of renewable energies could lead to cumulative greenhouse gas savings equivalent to 220 to 560 Gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (GtC02eq) between 2010 and 2050.

The upper end of the scenarios assessed, representing a cut of around a third in greenhouse gas emissions from business-as-usual projections, could assist in keeping concentrations of greenhouse gases at 450 parts per million.

This could contribute towards a goal of holding the increase in global temperature below 2 degrees Celsius – an aim recognized in the United Nations Climate Convention's Cancun Agreements.

The findings, launched today after being approved by member countries of the IPCC in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, are contained in a summary for policymakers of the Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN).

The summary is a short version of a roughly a thousand page comprehensive assessment compiled by over 120 leading experts from all over the world for IPCC's Working Group III.

With consistent climate and energy policy support, renewable energy sources can contribute substantially to human well-being by sustainably supplying energy and stabilizing the climate,. said Professor Ottmar Edenhofer, Co-Chair of Working Group III at the report launch. .However, the substantial increase of renewables is technically and politically very challenging. he added.

Youba Sokona, Co-Chair of the Working Group III, said: .The potential role of renewable energy technologies in meeting the needs of the poor and in powering the sustainable growth of developing and developed economies can trigger sharply polarized views. This IPCC report has brought some much needed clarity to this debate in order to inform governments on the options and decisions that will needed if the world is to collectively realize a low carbon, far more resource efficient and equitable development path.

Ramon Pichs, Co-Chair of the Working Group III, added: .The report shows that it is not the availability of the resource, but the public policies that will either expand or constrain renewable energy development over the coming decades. Developing countries have an important stake in this future—this is where most of the 1.4 billion people without access to electricity live yet also where some of the best conditions exist for renewable energy deployment.

Also speaking at the launch, Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the IPCC, said: .The IPCC brought together the most relevant and best available information to provide the world with this scientific assessment of the potential of renewable energy sources to mitigate climate change. The Special Report can serve as a sound knowledge basis for policymakers to take on this major challenge of the 21st century.

The report will feed into the broader work of the IPCC as it prepares its Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). The AR5 Synthesis Report is scheduled for finalization in September 2014.

The SRREN, approved by government representatives from 194 nations, has reviewed the current penetration of six renewable energy technologies and their potential deployment over the coming decades.

The six renewable energy technologies reviewed are:

Bioenergy, including energy crops; forest, agricultural and livestock residues and so called second generation biofuels

Direct solar energy including photovoltaics and concentrating solar power

Geothermal energy, based on heat extraction from the Earth's interior

Hydropower, including run-of-river, in-stream or dam projects with reservoirs

Ocean energy, ranging from barrages to ocean currents and ones which harness temperature differences in the marine realm

Wind energy, including on- and offshore systems

Over 160 existing scientific scenarios on the possible penetration of renewables by 2050, alongside environmental and social implications, have been reviewed with four analyzed in-depth. These four were chosen in order to represent the full range. Scenarios are used to explore possible future worlds, analyzing alternative pathways of socio-economic development and technological change.

The researchers have also studied the challenges linked to how renewable energy can be integrated into existing and future energy systems including electricity grids and likely cost benefits from these developments.

While the scenarios arrive at a range of estimates, the overall conclusions are that renewables will take an increasing slice of the energy market.

The most optimistic of the four, in-depth scenarios projects renewable energy accounting for as much as 77 percent of the world's energy demand by 2050, amounting to about 314 of 407 Exajoules per year. As a comparison, 314 Exajoules is over three times the annual energy supply in the United States in 2005 which is also a similar level of supply on the Continent of Europe according to various government and independent sources.

77 percent is up from just under 13 percent of the total primary energy supply of around 490 Exajoules in 2008. Each of the scenarios is underpinned by a range of variables such as changes in energy efficiency, population growth and per capita consumption. These lead to varying levels of total primary energy supply in 2050, with the lowest of the four scenarios seeing renewable energy accounting for a share of 15 percent in 2050, based on a total primary energy supply of 749 Exajoules.

While the report concludes that the proportion of renewable energy will likely increase even without enabling policies, past experience has shown that the largest increases come with concerted policy efforts.

Though in some cases renewable energy technologies are already economically competitive, the production costs are currently often higher than market energy prices. However, if environmental impacts such as emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases were monetized and included in energy prices, more renewable energy technologies may become economically attractive.

For most of them, costs have declined over the last decades and the authors expect significant technical advancements and further cost reductions in the future, resulting in a greater potential for climate change mitigation.

Public policies that recognize and reflect the wider economic, social and environmental benefits of renewable energies, including their potential to cut air pollution and improve public health, will be key for meeting the highest renewables deployment scenarios.

Increasing the share of renewables requires additional short-term and long-term integration efforts. Studies clearly show that combining different variable renewable sources, and resources from larger geographical areas, will be beneficial in smoothing the variability and decreasing overall uncertainty for the power system.

There is a need for advanced technologies to optimize the infrastructure capacity for renewables. Additionally, there is a need for balancing supply and demand, like advanced demand and supply forecasting and plant scheduling.

What is unique about this assessment is that the IPCC allows us to draw on and bring together a broad spectrum of experts on each of the technologies reviewed in collaboration with scientists studying energy systems as a whole. It represents a systemic, broad, impartial and state of knowledge report on the present and future potential of a low carbon, more resource efficient energy path,. says Professor Edenhofer.

Key Findings from the Summary for Policymakers

Of the around 300 Gigawatts (GW) of new electricity generating capacity added globally between 2008 and 2009, 140 GW came from renewable energy.

Despite global financial challenges, renewable energy capacity grew in 2009—wind by over 30 percent; hydropower by three percent; grid-connected photovoltaics by over 50 percent; geothermal by 4 percent and solar water/heating by over 20 percent. The annual productionof ethanol increased to 1.6 Exajoules (76 billion litres) and biodiesel by 0.6 Exajoules (17 billion litres) by the end of 2009. Meanwhile developing countries host more than 50 percent of current global renewable energy capacity.

Most of the reviewed scenarios estimate that renewables will contribute more to a low carbon energy supply by 2050 than nuclear power or fossil fuels using carbon capture and storage (CCS).

The technical potential of renewable energy technologies exceeds the current global energy demand by a considerable amount—globally and in respect of most regions of the world.

Under the scenarios analyzed in-depth, less than 2.5 percent of the globally available technical potential for renewables is used—in other words over 97 percent is untapped underlining that availability of renewable source will not be a limiting factor.

Accelerating the deployment of renewable energies will present new technological and institutional challenges, in particular integrating them into existing energy supply systems and end use sectors.

According to the four scenarios analyzed in detail, the decadal global investments in the renewable power sector range from 1,360 to 5,100 billion US dollars to 2020 and 1,490 to 7,180 billion US dollars for the decade 2021 to 2030. For the lower values, the average yearly investments are smaller than the renewable power sector investments reported for 2009.

A combination of targeted public policies allied to research and development investments could reduce fuel and financing costs leading to lower additional costs for renewable energy technologies.

Public policymakers could draw on a range of existing experience in order to design and implement the most effective enabling policies--there is no one-size-fits-all policy for encouraging renewables.

Key Renewable Energy Technologies and Their Potential

Bioenergy technologies can generate electricity, heat and fuels from a range of =feedstocks'.

Most current bioenergy systems, including liquid biofuels, result in greenhouse gas emissions reductions, concludes the summary for policymakers.

Others, such as advanced conversion systems, which for example convert woody wastes into liquid fuels, can deliver 80 percent to 90 percent emission reductions compared to fossil fuels.

Bioenergy, mainly for traditional cooking and heating in developing countries, currently represents over 10 percent of global energy supply or ca. 50 Exajoules per year.

While the share of bioenergy in the overall renewables mix is likely to decline over the coming decades, it could supply 100 to 300 Exajoules of energy by 2050, the expert review concludes.

Direct Solar Energy technologies include photovoltaics and concentrating solar power (CSP). They can produce electricity, heat and light.

Currently, direct solar contributes only a fraction of one percent to total global energy supply.

Potential deployment scenarios range from a marginal role of direct solar energy in 2050 to one of the major sources of energy supply. The actual deployment will depend on continued innovation, cost reductions and supportive public policies.

In the most ambitious climate stabilization scenarios solar primary energy supply by 2050 reaches up to 130 Exajoules per year, which can be attributed to a large extent to photovoltaic electricity generation. In some scenarios, its share in global electricity generation reaches up to a third by 2050, but in the majority of scenarios remains below one tenth.

Geothermal Energy utilizes heat stored in the Earth's interior directly or to generate electricity, with currently about 0.7 Exajoule per year.

By 2050, geothermal deployment could meet more than 3 percent of global electricity demand and about 5 percent of the global heat demand.

Global geothermal technical potential is comparable to the global primary energy supply in 2008. However, Geothermal Energy does not reach the technical potential limit in any of the scenarios analyzed, with the deployment rate remaining below 5 percent for both the regional and global level.

Hydropower projects encompass dam projects with reservoirs, run-of-river and in-stream projects and range from small to large scale.

The installed capacity by the end of 2008 contributed 16 percent of worldwide electricity supply, making hydropower the largest renewable energy source in the electricity sector.

According to long term scenarios, hydropower's share in global electricity supply may decrease to 10 to 14 percent. Despite absolute growth in hydropower supply, the expected energy demand growth and continuing electrification could result in a decreasing share.

Ocean Energy technologies are diverse and use the kinetic, thermal, and chemical energy of seawater. Most are at the demonstration and pilot project phases.

Due to its nascent stage of development, they are unlikely to significantly contribute to global energy supply before 2020.

Ocean energy is currently only represented in very few scenarios. As shown by the review, projected deployments could result in energy delivery of up to 7 Exajoules per year by 2050.

Wind Energy's primary application of relevance to climate change mitigation is to produce electricity from large wind turbines located on land or offshore.

The wind power capacity installed by the end of 2009 met close to two percent of worldwide electricity demand.

The review shows a high expansion rate in Europe, North America and, more recently, in China and India. A greater geographical distribution of deployment is likely to be needed to achieve the higher deployments indicated by the scenario literature.

Under the demand projection of some scenarios global wind power share grows to more than 20 percent by 2050.

Notes to Editors

1. The Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN) assesses the potential contribution of renewable energy sources to climate change mitigation.

Following the AR4, many governments as well as important actors in civil society and the private sector asked for more substantial information and broader coverage of all questions pertaining to the use of renewable energy. The 25th Plenary Session of the IPCC at Mauritius decided to hold a scoping meeting for a possible Special Report, Following the scoping meeting in Lübeck, Germany in January, 2008, IPCC Plenary in Budapest in April, 2008 decided to prepare an IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN) and agreed on its outline. The Summary for Policymakers of the SRREN was approved by the Eleventh Plenary Session of IPCC Working Group III in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 5 - 8 May 2011 and was launched on 9 May.

2. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international body for the assessment of climate change. It was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988 to review and assess the most recent scientific, technical and socio-economic information produced worldwide relevant to the understanding of climate change. It does not conduct any research nor does it monitor climate related data. The UN General Assembly endorsed the action by WMO and UNEP in jointly establishing the IPCC.

3. The IPCC Plenary is open to all member countries of the United Nations and WMO. Currently 194 countries are members of the IPCC. Governments participate in the review process and the Plenary Sessions, where main decisions about the IPCC work programme are taken and reports are accepted, adopted and approved. The IPCC Bureau Members, including the Chair, are elected during the Plenary Sessions.

4. The Working Group III (WGIII) =Mitigation of Climate Change' of the IPCC assesses all relevant options for mitigating climate change through limiting or preventing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing activities that remove them from the atmosphere. WGIII analyses the costs, benefits and risks of the different approaches to mitigation, considering also the available domestic instruments and policy measures as well as international arrangements. The WGIII is co-chaired by Ottmar Edenhofer of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany, Ramon Pichs of the Centro de Investigaciones de la Economía Mundial, Cuba, and Youba Sokona (Mali) of the Africa Climate Policy Center in Ethiopia.

For Further Information Please Contact:

Nick Nuttall, IPCC Plenary Spokesperson, on Tel+ 254 733 632755 or E-mail:

Rockaya Aidara, IPCC Press Officer, on Tel: +41 22 730 8120 or E-mail:

Useful links:

SRREN Website

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Working Group III Mitigation of Climate Change

More Info:
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. Disclaimer: this is not a solicitation to buy or sell stocks, or an endorsement for any company.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Wind Stocks Investor Trading Alert; Broadwind Energy (NasdaqGS: BWEN), Clean Wind Energy Tower, (OTCBB: CWET), Catch the Wind (TSX-V: CTW), Vestas (Copenhagen: VWS.CO)

Point Roberts, WA - May 13, 2011 -, a leader in cleantech stock research, reports on recent wind stocks news and developments for wind stocks including Broadwind Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS: BWEN ) ,Clean Wind Energy Tower, Inc. (OTCBB: CWET), Catch the Wind Ltd. (TSX-V: CTW) , Vestas Wind Systems (Copenhagen: VWS.CO ). Broadwind Energy reported results on Monday of sales of $43.5 million for the first quarter of 2011, a 100% increase compared to $21.7 million in the first quarter of 2010.
According to the company release. "The sharp increase reflects significant improvement in demand and increased production compared to a very weak prior year quarter. Sales in both the Towers and Gearing segments were up substantially compared to the prior year as a result of the increased demand, as well as success at rebuilding sales to industrial customers.
Wind Stocks
  • Broadwind Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS: BWEN ) trading at $1.56, up [0.03 (1.96%)
  • Catch the Wind Ltd. (TSX-V: CTW) trading up at$ 0.57, up 0.01 (1.79%)
  • China Ming Yang Wind Power Group (NYSE: MY ) trading at $7.81, down 0.22 (2.74%)
  • Clean Wind Energy Tower, Inc. (OTCBB: CWET) trading at $0.32
  • Vestas Wind Systems (Copenhagen: VWS.CO ) trading up at $56.40, up 0.20 (0.13%)
Recent Wind News:
Clean Wind Energy Tower (OTCBB: CWET) Files "Atmospheric Energy Extraction Devices & Methods" Patent for Wind Tower
ANNAPOLIS, MD - May 5, 2011 ( Newswire) - Clean Wind Energy Tower, Inc. (OTCBB: CWET), a clean energy company developing Downdraft Towers, reports it has filed with the United States Patent & Trademark Office "A Petition to Make Special Under the Accelerated Examination Program," a patent application titled Atmospheric Energy Extraction Devices and Methods.
The application covers the addition of specific external design components, physical structure and systems that both substantially enhances structural integrity of the tower and captures wind directly striking the external vertical surfaces of the downdraft tower from any direction, beyond those winds already induced into the internal tube of the tower, and also enhances slow moving air to create downburst winds, substantially increasing total power generation of a single tower unit.
Full news:
Broadwind Energy, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2011 Results
  • Net sales of $43.5 million, double the prior year quarter
  • Order intake up 150%; ending backlog strong at $227 million
  • Adjusted EBITDA increases to $0.1 million vs. a $7.2 million loss in Q1 2010
  • Sale of Logistics business completed on March 4, 2011
  • At March 31, 2011, cash and marketable securities rose to $22.0 million
Full News:
- Represents Catch the Wind's largest sales order to date -
MANASSAS, VA, May 12 /CNW/ - Catch the Wind Ltd. (TSX-V: CTW) announced today that it has sold 20 Vindicator® Laser Wind Sensor (LWS) units to TransAlta Corporation, Canada's largest independent renewable energy provider, with an option to purchase additional units. The sale is Catch the Wind's largest to date for wind turbine control.
Full news:
Vestas receives 80 MW order in Brazil
Vestas has received a firm and unconditional order for 80 MW to Brazil
Full news:
Research more wind stocks with the renewable energy stocks directory:
Wind Company Snapshot
Clean Wind Energy Tower, Inc. (OTCBB: CWET) was established to commercialize a number of proven and validated technologies and construction systems into a single large downdraft tower structure that produces abundant inexpensive electricity.
Visit the CWET showcase page at :
About and our Green Investor content: was on the of the first investor sites covering investing in water and renewable energy stocks and has become a global go-to destination for investors researching the cleantech sector, with stock directories, company news, commentary from experts, research reports and industry resources and links. Investors can follow solar stocks commentary on our site with solar expert, J. Peter Lynch.
Sign up at Investor Ideas for free investor alerts including news on (OTCBB: CWET)
Disclaimer/ Disclosure : The following news is part of the Clean Wind Energy Tower, Inc. (OTCBB: CWET) advertising program with Clean Wind Energy, Inc. compensates (one thousand five hundred per month, 100,000 144 shares) to be showcased as a renewable energy stock within its hub of sites and blogs.Our sites do not make recommendations. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. We attempt to research thoroughly, but we offer no guarantees as to the accuracy of information presented. All Information relating to featured companies is sourced from public documents and/ or the company and its management and is not the opinion of
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800.665.0411, Email: or

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Electric Car Stocks Trading Alert; (AONE), (TSLA), (QTWW), (EVCA) Quantum Fuel Systems Technologi (NasdaqGM: QTWW) Trading up over 13%, With High of $5.45

May 12, 2011 ( renewable energy/green newswire) a leader in cleantech investor research, reports on green car stocks trading for May 12th. Quantum Fuel Systems Technologi (NasdaqGM: QTWW) is one of the top gainers on the NASDAQ, trading up at $5.13, up 0.62 (13.75%) 12:15PM EDT with a high of $5.45.
Green Car Stocks Sector Snapshot
  • A123 Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGM: AONE) trading at $ 6.09, up 0.07 (1.16%) 12:17PM EDT
  • EVCARCO (OTCBB: EVCA)) trading at $ 0.0141 - 0.0170
  • Tesla Motors, Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) trading at $27.33, up 0.26 (0.96%) 12:08PM EDT
  • Quantum Fuel Systems Technologi (NasdaqGM: QTWW ) trading at $5.13, up 0.62 (13.75%) 12:15PM EDT
Market Snapshot
  • Dow 12,605.29 -24.74 -0.20%
  • Nasdaq 2,846.82 +1.76 +0.06%
  • S&P 500 1,340.08 -2.00 -0.15%
  • 10 Yr Bond (%) 3.2020% +0.0450
  • Oil 97.96 -0.25 -0.25%
  • Gold 1,484.80 -5.10 -0.34%
Recent News;
Quantum Previews New Plug-In Hybrid F150 Pickup Truck at the Alternative Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo in Long Beach
IRVINE , Calif. , May 6, 2011- Quantum Fuel Systems Technologies Worldwide, Inc. (Nasdaq:QTWW - News) announced today that it has launched a new line of hybrid vehicles. Quantum has developed a new Plug-in Hybrid Version of the highest volume selling vehicle in America, the Ford F150 Pickup Truck, and will be providing them directly to fleet customers.
Quantum's plug-in hybrid version of the F150 was specifically designed for the demanding use of America's largest fleet operators. The vehicle will be capable of matching the performance of the conventional F150 vehicle while achieving substantially higher fuel economy and producing lower emissions. The PHEV F150 uses Quantum's new "F-Drive" hybrid system which will have a 35 mile electric range before shifting to a hybrid mode where it can continue for a total range of over 400 miles. The Quantum "F-Drive" hybrid system is available in 2WD and 4WD versions. To meet the requirements of fleet customers, the F-Drive has been integrated in the F150 vehicle such that there is no impingement into the cab or bed and it maintains full ground clearance.
Company Snapshot
EVCARCO (OTC.BB: EVCA) - Green, Electric Cars and Natural Gas Vehicles
EVCARCO (OTC.BB:EVCA) ( is the first automotive retail group dedicated to deploying a coast-to-coast network of environmentally friendly franchised dealerships and vehicles. EVCARCO is bringing to market the most advanced clean technologies available in plug-in electric, alternative fuel, and pre-owned hybrid vehicles.
Research electric car stocks and green auto stocks , lithium stocks - with the renewable energy stocks directory Research over 1300 green stocks - Investors also have the option to access the directory as part of the Investor Ideas Investors also have the option to access the directory as part of the Investor Ideas Membership premium content that currently features an additional 10 stock directories, including the water stocks directory and all cleantech stock directories.
Investors - sign up for free stock alerts and investor news alerts
About Our Green Investor content: was on the of the first investor sites covering investing in water and renewable energy stocks and has become a global go-to destination for investors researching the cleantech sector, with stock directories, company news, commentary from experts, research reports and industry resources and links. Investors can follow solar stocks commentary on our site with solar expert, J. Peter Lynch.
Disclaimer: Our sites do not make recommendations. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. We attempt to research thoroughly, but we offer no guarantees as to the accuracy of information presented. All Information relating to featured companies is sourced from public documents and/ or the company and is not the opinion of our web sites. Disclosure: Investorideas is compensated by featured green companies EVCARCO (OTCBB: EVCA) is a showcase stock at and compensated the site 500,000 144 shares in lieu of cash compensation.
To become a showcase company, contact us below.
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Nanotechnology Stocks; mPhase Technologies (OTC.BB:XDSL) Releases Photo of Smart Surface Technology

LITTLE FALLS, NJ - May 12, 2011 ( Newswire) - mPhase Technologies, Inc. (OTC.BB:XDSL) today released a photograph that shows its smart surface technology's dramatic ability to repel liquids. In the embedded photograph the viewer can see individual water droplets in a 3x4 array sitting on top of an mPhase created smart porous silicon membrane.
The smart porous silicon membrane can repel both aqueous and many non-aqueous liquids. In this example, individual droplets of water are sitting atop silicon material containing thousands of microscopic holes, which repel the liquid from passing through the pores of the membrane.
Under controlled conditions, the liquid can be made to pass through the pores of the membrane, such that the liquid can interact with materials or chemicals that are located below the surface of the membrane.
The photograph shows an example of how smart surfaces materials have been used to develop a miniature reserve battery that has a very long shelf life, and which can be electronically triggered to turn on under programmable control, and how this technology can potentially be expanded to other non battery applications, such as the delivery of drugs or smart filters.
mPhase will also be following up this photograph with a video segment that describes how the smart surface components can be assembled using semiconductor packaging methods, into a reserve battery containing lithium chemistry, that was developed under a recently funded government grant, as a power source used in computer memory backup.
"We are continuing to make significant strides in the development of our smart surfaces technology as is evidenced by this remarkable photograph," said Ron Durando, president and CEO of mPhase Technologies.
About mPhase Technologies, Inc.
mPhase Technologies is introducing a revolutionary Smart Surface technology enabled by breakthroughs in nanotechnology, MEMS processing and microfluidics. Our Smart Surface technology has potential applications within drug delivery systems, lab on a chip analytic systems, self cleaning systems, liquid and chemical sensor systems, and filtration systems. mPhase has pioneered its first Smart Surface enabled product, the mPhase Smart NanoBattery.
In addition to the Smart Surface technology, mPhase recently introduced its first product, the mPower Emergency Illuminator, an award-winning product designed by Porsche Design Studio.
Forward Looking Statements
As a cautionary note to investors, certain matters discussed in this press release may be forward looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such matters involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially, including the following: changes in economic conditions; general competitive factors; acceptance of the Company s products in the market; the Company s success in technology and product development; the Company s ability to execute its business model and strategic plans; and all the risks and related information described from time to time in the Company s SEC filings, including the financial statements and related information contained in the Company s SEC Filing. mPhase assumes no obligation to update the information in this release.
mPhase Technologies, Inc. 973 256 3737
Visit the XDSL showcase profile at
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Disclosure, Disclaimer/ XDSL is a paid advertising client on and our technology portals.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Green Car Stocks; EVCARCO, Inc. (OTCBB: EVCA) Signs $10 Million Funding Commitment With Auctus Private Equity Fund, LLC

FT. WORTH, TX � May 10, 2011 ( renewable energy/green newswire) - EVCARCO, Inc. (OTCBB:EVCA) (OTCQB:EVCA) announced today that it has signed a $10 Million drawdown equity financing agreement with Boston based Auctus Private Equity Fund, LLC ("Auctus").
Mack Sanders, CEO of EVCARCO, stated, "We are pleased to have signed this funding agreement with Auctus, which provides the Company with future flexibility and will help us with dealership acquisitions, operations and general corporate use."
Nickolay Frolov, CFO of EVCARCO, remarked, "The Auctus Agreement requires the Company to file for fewer shares and should have a gradual effect on our share structure due to the 36 month term. The Company is also looking at several smaller debt financing packages from other firms and financiers to help leverage the Company's need for funding and growth."
There are no upper limits to the price Auctus may pay to purchase EVCARCO's common stock and the purchase price of the shares related to the $10 Million of future funding will be based on 93% of the lowest trade (closing) price during the pricing period as outlined in the Agreement. The Company will control the timing and amount of any sales of shares to Auctus. There are no financial or business covenants, restrictions on future funding, rights of first refusal, participation rights, penalties or liquidated damages in the purchase agreement. The Agreement may be terminated by the Company at any time, at its sole discretion, without any cost or penalty.
A more detailed description of the Agreement is set forth in the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K recently filed with the SEC.
For more information on EVCARCO, Inc., please view: Shareholder inquiries should be directed to (972) 571-1624.
EVCARCO, Inc. is the first automotive retail group dedicated to deploying a coast-to-coast network of environmentally friendly franchised dealerships and vehicles. EVCARCO is bringing to market the most advanced clean technologies available in plug-in electric, alternative fuel, and pre-owned hybrid vehicles. EVCARCO -- Future Driven®
This Press Release contains certain forward-looking statements that involve substantial risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, the results of ongoing clinical studies, economic conditions, product and technology development, production efficiencies, product demand, competitive products, competitive environment, successful testing and government regulatory issues. Additional risks are identified in the company's filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Investor Relations Contact:
Jack Eversull
The Eversull Group, Inc.
214-469-2361 fax
Visit the EVCA showcase profile at
Request News and Info on EVCA
Disclosure, Disclaimer/ EVCA is a paid advertising client on and our renewable energy portals (500,000 144 shares).

Monday, May 09, 2011

Electric Car Stock News Alert; EVCARCO, Inc. (OTCBB: EVCA) Announces an Expressed Interest in Acquiring Mitsubishi Franchises

FT. WORTH, TX � May 9, 2011 ( renewable energy/green newswire) - EVCARCO, Inc. (OTCBB:EVCA) (OTCQB:EVCA) announced today an expressed interest in acquiring Mitsubishi Franchises due to the leadership position Mitsubishi Motor Corporation has taken in the electric vehicle (EV) market and its efforts to reduce environmental impact.
Scott O'Neal, Co-Founder & COO of EVCARCO, stated, "Our acquisition plan announced publicly on April 14, 2011 was to evaluate and acquire dealerships and align the Company with major manufacturers that produce vehicles consumers want to drive. One of the manufacturers we are considering is Mitsubishi and its electric vehicle, MiEV, as seen in the Dallas and Fort Worth Auto Shows."
The i, or MiEV, is powered by Mitsubishi's innovative Electric Vehicle (MiEV) technology. The electric motor can go from zero to 60 in under 9 seconds. The rear-wheel drive vehicle has a 49kW (66 bhp) AC synchronous electric motor; an 88 cell, 330 V lithium-ion battery pack for peak storage of 16 kWh; an onboard charger and a single fixed reduction gear transmission. The electric motor is capable of producing a peak torque of 145 lb. ft. almost instantaneously when accelerating from a standstill. It can reach up to 80 miles per hour.
More information about Mitsubishi MiEV:
The Company is working through THE Search Firm to facilitate the acquisitions of current Mitsubishi Franchises through Buy/Sell agreements. Current Mitsubishi Dealers interested in learning more should contact Jason Poucher, THE Search Firm at 866-441-5627.
THE Search Firm ( was established to provide executive level consulting to the automotive industry. The company has since evolved into one of the leading automotive consulting firms in the nation by providing expertise in both the recruiting and placement arena as well as the brokerage of automotive dealerships.
For more information on EVCARCO, Inc., please view: Shareholder inquiries should be directed to (972) 571-1624.
EVCARCO, Inc. is the first automotive retail group dedicated to deploying a coast-to-coast network of environmentally friendly franchised dealerships and vehicles. EVCARCO is bringing to market the most advanced clean technologies available in plug-in electric, alternative fuel, and pre-owned hybrid vehicles. EVCARCO -- Future Driven®
This Press Release contains certain forward-looking statements that involve substantial risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, the results of ongoing clinical studies, economic conditions, product and technology development, production efficiencies, product demand, competitive products, competitive environment, successful testing and government regulatory issues. Additional risks are identified in the company's filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Investor Relations Contact:
Jack Eversull
The Eversull Group, Inc.
214-469-2361 fax
Visit the EVCA showcase profile at
Request News and Info on EVCA
Disclosure, Disclaimer/ EVCA is a paid advertising client on and our renewable energy portals (500,000 144 shares).

Friday, May 06, 2011

Investing Ideas that can Change the World Tools for Investing in Water, Renewable Energy, Agriculture, Technology and Biotech for Investors that want to invest in Change

POINT ROBERTS, Wash., May 6 2011 - ( Investor
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Clean Energy Stock News; Telkonet (OTCQB: TKOI) to Announce First Quarter Results on Monday, May 16, 2011

Milwaukee, WI - May 6, 2011 ( renewable energy green newswire) - Telkonet, Inc. (OTCQB: TKOI), developer of the revolutionary energy management platform named EcoSmart incorporating its patented Recovery Time technology and the leading provider of Internet services for the hospitality industry, announced today that it will hold its first quarter results conference call for analysts and investors on Monday, May 16, 2011 at 4:30 pm ET. Telkonet's Chief Executive Officer, Jason Tienor, and Acting Chief Financial Officer, Gene Mushrush, will host the call. The earnings announcement is scheduled for release shortly before the stock markets open on May 16, 2011.
Date: Monday. May 16, 2011
Time: 4:30 p.m. Eastern (3:30 p.m. Central/1:30 p.m. Pacific)
Access by conference call:
Domestic callers: Dial (877) 317-8230
International callers: Dial (706) 902-2567
Conference ID# 65288763
An audio replay of the call will be available until June 16, 2011 on the Investor Relations page of the Telkonet web site at
About Telkonet
Telkonet is leading energy management technology provider offering hardware, software and services to Commercial customers throughout the world. The EcoCentral Platform, in conjunction with the EcoSmart Suite of products, provides comprehensive savings, management and reporting of a building's energy consumption. Telkonet's energy management products are installed in properties within the Hospitality, Military, Educational, Healthcare and Residential markets reducing energy consumption, Carbon footprints and eliminating the need for new energy generation.
About EthoStream
EthoStream is one of the largest public High-Speed Internet Access (HSIA) providers in the world providing services to more than 2.5 million users monthly across a network of greater than 2,250 locations. EthoStream's EGS line of public-access gateway servers provides real-time monitoring and management of guest-access networks while its 24/7 support center is known for the highest levels of quality and service. With a wide range of product and service offerings and one of the most comprehensive management platforms available for HSIA networks, EthoStream offers solutions for any public access location.
All company, brand or product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.
Statements included in this release may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties such as competitive factors, technological development, market demand and the Company's ability to obtain new contracts and accurately estimate net revenue due to variability in size, scope and duration of projects, and internal issues in the sponsoring client. Further information on potential factors that could affect the Company's financial results, can be found in the Company's Registration Statement and in its Reports on Forms 8-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Wind Energy News; Clean Wind Energy Tower (OTCBB: CWET) Files "Atmospheric Energy Extraction Devices & Methods" Patent for Wind Tower

ANNAPOLIS, MD - May 5, 2011 ( Newswire) - Clean Wind Energy Tower, Inc. (OTCBB: CWET), a clean energy company developing Downdraft Towers, reports it has filed with the United States Patent & Trademark Office "A Petition to Make Special Under the Accelerated Examination Program," a patent application titled Atmospheric Energy Extraction Devices and Methods.
The application covers the addition of specific external design components, physical structure and systems that both substantially enhances structural integrity of the tower and captures wind directly striking the external vertical surfaces of the downdraft tower from any direction, beyond those winds already induced into the internal tube of the tower, and also enhances slow moving air to create downburst winds, substantially increasing total power generation of a single tower unit.
John W. Hanback, Chief Technology Officer, stated, "This patent application is the second of many, as we previously stated, that we would file in order to protect our innovative technological approach to producing clean power from the wind, and also to continue to substantiate the value of our technology. As with our previous application, the claims embodied within this application are also directed toward creating very efficient power generation at low capital costs."
Ronald W. Pickett, Chairman and CEO, stated, "We believe this patent application provides enormous benefits and advantages to our Dual Renewable Energy solution by creating an additional multiple to our power base during the variety of atmospheric fluctuations in temperature, humidity and wind direction over the course of a season."
About Clean Wind Energy, Inc. (OTCBB: CWET)
Clean Wind Energy, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Clean Wind Energy Tower, Inc, is designing and preparing to develop, and construct large "Downdraft Towers" that use benevolent, non-toxic natural elements to generate electricity and clean water economically by integrating and synthesizing numerous proven as well as emerging technologies. In addition to constructing Downdraft Towers in the United States and abroad, the Company intends to establish partnerships at home and abroad to propagate these systems and meet increasing global demand for clean water and electricity. Clean Wind has assembled a team of experienced business professionals, engineers and scientists with access to the breakthrough energy research upon which this technology is founded and the proven ability to bring the idea to market. Clean Wind has filed several patents that the Company believes will further enhance this potentially revolutionary technology.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Statements included in this release may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and as that term is defined in the Private Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties such as competitive factors, technological development, market demand and the Company's ability to obtain new contracts and accurately estimate net revenues due to variability in size, scope and duration of projects, and internal issues in the sponsoring client. Further information on potential factors that could affect the Company's financial results, can be found in the Company's various filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Clean Wind Energy, Inc.
1997 Annapolis Exchange Parkway Suite 300
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Phone: 410-972-4713
Investor Relations
Jody Janson
Phone: (855) 848-6937
Visit the CWET showcase profile at
Request News and Info on CWET
Disclosure, Disclaimer/ CWET is a paid advertising client on and our Renewable Energy portals.

Electric Car Stocks News Alert; EVCARCO, Inc. (OTCBB: EVCA) Signs Contract to Sell SIRIUS New Electric Vehicles

FT. WORTH, TX � May 3, 2011 ( renewable energy/green newswire) - EVCARCO, Inc. (OTCBB:EVCA) (Pinksheets:EVCA) announced today that it has signed a retailer agreement to sell SIRIUS electric vehicles. The SIRIUS brand is manufactured by Nanchang Freedom Technology Limited located in Nanchang, China, a subsidiary of Jiangling Motors Group Co. Of the many electric vehicle products manufactured by Nanchang, the SIRIUS line is the most appealing to EVCA and includes mini-trucks, mini-vans, high speed vans and cars.
Mack Sanders, CEO of EVCARCO, remarked, "We have looked diligently over the last quarter at several quality manufacturers and we are excited to add this product line to our dealership commercial offerings. We expect to receive the first vehicle on May 5th, 2011."
Nanchang Freedom Technology Limited Company was founded in December 2006 and specializes in development and manufacture of New Energy Vehicles, and New Energy Vehicles' Power Train System. It is a subsidiary of Jiangling Motors Group Co. Jiangling Motor, a joint venture with Ford, in the U.S., and Isuzu, in Japan, is one the largest light commercial vehicle manufacturers in China. The Company manufactures high quality, totally green and environment-friendly vehicles and has developed highway speed and low speed electric vehicles after years of independent R&D. Some EVs are QQ Electric Passenger Car, Landwind Fashion Electric Passenger Car, Ford Transit Electric Commercial Van, SIRIUS series of Electric Mini Truck, Electric Mini Van, Electric ATVs, and Electric Environmental Sanitation Vehicles (mini truck) dumper truck and detachable container garbage collector.
SIRIUS Product Link:
For more information on EVCARCO, Inc., please view: Shareholder inquiries should be directed to (972) 571-1624.
EVCARCO, Inc. is the first automotive retail group dedicated to deploying a coast-to-coast network of environmentally friendly franchised dealerships and vehicles. EVCARCO is bringing to market the most advanced clean technologies available in plug-in electric, alternative fuel, and pre-owned hybrid vehicles. EVCARCO -- Future Driven®
This Press Release contains certain forward-looking statements that involve substantial risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, the results of ongoing clinical studies, economic conditions, product and technology development, production efficiencies, product demand, competitive products, competitive environment, successful testing and government regulatory issues. Additional risks are identified in the company's filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Investor Relations Contact:
Jack Eversull
The Eversull Group, Inc.
214-469-2361 fax
Visit the EVCA showcase profile at
Request News and Info on EVCA
Disclosure, Disclaimer/ EVCA is a paid advertising client on and our renewable energy portals (500,000 144 shares).

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Wind Energy Stocks; Clean Wind Energy Tower, Inc. (OTCBB: CWET) Files "Atmospheric Energy Extraction Devices & Methods" Patent

Wind Energy Stocks; Clean Wind Energy Tower, Inc. (OTCBB: CWET) Files "Atmospheric Energy Extraction Devices & Methods" Patent

ANNAPOLIS, MD - May 4, 2011 ( Newswire) - Clean Wind Energy Tower, Inc. (OTCBB: CWET) (the "Company") announced that the Company had filed with the United States Patent & Trademark Office "A Petition to Make Special Under the Accelerated Examination Program," a patent application titled Atmospheric Energy Extraction Devices and Methods. The application covers the addition of specific external design components, physical structure and systems that both substantially enhances structural integrity of the tower and captures wind directly striking the external vertical surfaces of the downdraft tower from any direction, beyond those winds already induced into the internal tube of the tower, and also enhances slow moving air to create downburst winds, substantially increasing total power generation of a single tower unit.
John W. Hanback, Chief Technology Officer, stated, "This patent application is the second of many, as we previously stated, that we would file in order to protect our innovative technological approach to producing clean power from the wind, and also to continue to substantiate the value of our technology. As with our previous application, the claims embodied within this application are also directed toward creating very efficient power generation at low capital costs."
Ronald W. Pickett, Chairman and CEO, stated, "We believe this patent application provides enormous benefits and advantages to our Dual Renewable Energy solution by creating an additional multiple to our power base during the variety of atmospheric fluctuations in temperature, humidity and wind direction over the course of a season."
About Clean Wind Energy, Inc. (OTCBB: CWET)
Clean Wind Energy, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Clean Wind Energy Tower, Inc, is designing and preparing to develop, and construct large "Downdraft Towers" that use benevolent, non-toxic natural elements to generate electricity and clean water economically by integrating and synthesizing numerous proven as well as emerging technologies. In addition to constructing Downdraft Towers in the United States and abroad, the Company intends to establish partnerships at home and abroad to propagate these systems and meet increasing global demand for clean water and electricity. Clean Wind has assembled a team of experienced business professionals, engineers and scientists with access to the breakthrough energy research upon which this technology is founded and the proven ability to bring the idea to market. Clean Wind has filed several patents that the Company believes will further enhance this potentially revolutionary technology.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Statements included in this release may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and as that term is defined in the Private Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties such as competitive factors, technological development, market demand and the Company's ability to obtain new contracts and accurately estimate net revenues due to variability in size, scope and duration of projects, and internal issues in the sponsoring client. Further information on potential factors that could affect the Company's financial results, can be found in the Company's various filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Clean Wind Energy, Inc.
1997 Annapolis Exchange Parkway Suite 300
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Phone: 410-972-4713
Investor Relations
Jody Janson
Phone: (855) 848-6937
Visit the CWET showcase profile at
Request News and Info on CWET
Disclosure, Disclaimer/ CWET is a paid advertising client on and our Renewable Energy portals.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Nanotechnology Energy Stocks; mPhase Technologies (OTC.BB:XDSL) to Present at NJTC Energy Seminar

LITTLE FALLS, NJ - May 3, 2011 ( Newswire) - mPhase Technologies, Inc. (OTC.BB:XDSL) today announced that it has been invited to present at a symposium on, "Energy Storage Products and NJTC Partnering Session," at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey, May 5, 2011, 4:30 PM -7:00 PM. At the workshop, mPhase will describe the advantages of using the Smart NanoBattery technology for powering portable electronic devices and mission critical DoD applications.
The workshop is sponsored by the New Jersey Technology Counsel, as part of an on-going series of conferences, seminars, and workshops to highlight companies in the New Jersey and Mid Atlantic region, and raise awareness of fostering cooperatives relationships among interested companies. The goal behind these individualized meetings is to discuss partnerships, collaborations and joint ventures.
"This workshop is a very good opportunity for exposing the advantages and unique capabilities of the Smart NanoBattery for forward-looking designs involving improved power efficiencies for critical systems," said Ron Durando, president and CEO of mPhase Technologies. "We are happy to support NJTC efforts in showcasing small business in New Jersey and broadening the awareness that high technology companies are a valuable asset for growing jobs the state."
About mPhase Technologies, Inc.
mPhase Technologies is introducing a revolutionary Smart Surface technology enabled by breakthroughs in nanotechnology, MEMS processing and microfluidics. Our Smart Surface technology has potential applications within drug delivery systems, lab on a chip analytic systems, self cleaning systems, liquid and chemical sensor systems, and filtration systems. mPhase has pioneered its first Smart Surface enabled product, the mPhase Smart NanoBattery.
In addition to the Smart Surface technology, mPhase recently introduced its first product, the mPower Emergency Illuminator, an award-winning product designed by Porsche Design Studio.
Forward Looking Statements
As a cautionary note to investors, certain matters discussed in this press release may be forward looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such matters involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially, including the following: changes in economic conditions; general competitive factors; acceptance of the Company s products in the market; the Company s success in technology and product development; the Company s ability to execute its business model and strategic plans; and all the risks and related information described from time to time in the Company s SEC filings, including the financial statements and related information contained in the Company s SEC Filing. mPhase assumes no obligation to update the information in this release.
mPhase Technologies, Inc. 973 256 3737
Visit the XDSL showcase profile at
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Disclosure, Disclaimer/ XDSL is a paid advertising client on and our technology portals.